Monday, May 30, 2016

Taiwanese popcorn chicken or ayam gunting ala unclebob

Mamadee berkesempatan untuk mencuba Taiwanese popcorn chicken halal dekat newmarket, sunnybank.  Sedap, rasanya seakan-akan ayam uncle bob yang glamour di Malaysia. Oleh kerana anak mamadee suka sangat dengan popcorn chicken ni, jadi mamadee try google resepi di internet. Terjumpa resepi di blog Eat the love, cara menyediakannya. Menurut blog tersebut, dia tidak recommend menggunakan tepung jagung untuk menyalut ayam ini, kerana tekstur yang terhasil akan berbeza. Mamade tak jumpa sweet potato starch, jadi mamadee menggantikannya dnegan potato starch. Tekstur ayam yang digorneg memang sangat rangup. Sangat enak bila dimakan panas-panas.

Recipe Source :
(English version)
1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs
1 medium head of garlic
1/2-inch ginger
3 green onions, white and 1-inch of the green part, minced
2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon mirin (mamadee omitted the mirin)
1 teaspoon sweet potato starch (Mamadee use potato starch)
1/2 teaspoon 5-spice (can be found in Asian grocery)
1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 eggs
1/2 cup cold water
2-3 cups sweet potato starch (Mamadee use potato starch)
To fry
3-4 cups peanut, rice bran or avocado oil
To serve
Leaves from 1 bunch of fresh Thai basil
salt and white pepper to taste (Mamadee use piri-piri salt seasoning)
1. Cut the chicken into 1-inch chunks and place in large bowl. Make the marinade by mincing or forcing the garlic through a press into a small bowl. Add the minced green onions, soy sauce, Mirin, 5-spice, white pepper, sweet potato starch and cayenne pepper, stir to form a paste and then scrape into the bowl with the chicken. Mix to coat all the chicken and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or overnight.

2. Once the chicken is done marinating, place the eggs in medium sized bowl with the 1/2 cup of water. Beat together with a fork. Place the sweet potato starch in another medium sized bowl. Heat the frying oil in a sauté pan or wok until it reaches 350˚F. Using chopsticks or tongs, dip the chicken first in the watery egg mixture then in the starch and fry the chicken pieces without crowding them too much for 3-4 minutes or until golden brown. Try not to overcrowd the pan, I usually fry about 6-8 pieces at a time in the wok and 8 – 10 pieces in my 10” sauté pan.

3. Once fried, place the chicken on a wire rack or a plate lined with paper towels to drain. Immediately toss with generous amounts of salt and white pepper to taste. Once you’ve fried all the chicken, fry the Thai basil leaves for 30 seconds or until they darken and then serve with the chicken.
Makes enough for 6 appetizers servings.

Malay version
Ayam bahagian peha yang telah dibuang tulang (3 ketul)

Bahan perapan
1 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk halus)
1/2 inchi halia (ditumbuk halus)
3 ulas bawang merah (ditumbuk halus)
2 sudu besar kicap manis
1 sudu besar mirin (mamadee tak letak, sebab tak halal)
1 sudu teh sweet potato strach (mamadee guna potato starch)
1/2 sudu teh 5 spice powder (campuran rempah kayu manis, bunga lawang, cengkih, lada putih dan jintan manis)
1/2 sudu tehserbuk lada sulah
1/4 sudu teh serbuk cayenne (mamadee guna serbuk rempah piri-piri)
Sedikit garam 

Bahan salutan
1 biji telur
1/2 cawan air sejuk
2-3 cawan potato starch

Untuk menggoreng
Minyak secukupnya untuk deep fried

Untuk hidang
1 tangkai daun basil (goreng garing)
Serbuk cili piri-piri (atau serbuk lada sulah, atau apa-apa perisa yang anda gemari).

1. Potong ayam  kecil-kecil. Campurkan semua bahan perapan dalam mangkuk. Kacau sehingga sebati. Kemudian lumurkan bahan perapan pada ayam sehingga semua bersalut. Perap selama 30 minit-1 jam.
2. Setelah ayam siap diperap, pecahkan sebiji telur dalam mangkuk. Kacau telur dengan garfu sehingga bercampur sebati. Celupkan ketulan ayam kedalam telur, kemudian salutkan dengan potato starch. Goreng di dalam minyak panas secara deep fried.
3. Setelah siap digoreng, toskan minyak. Kemudian goreng daun basil sehingga garing.  Cara menghidang, ayam diletakkan dalam pinggan, kemudian taburkan rempah piri-piri atau apa sahaja perisa yang anda gemari, taburkan daun basil yang telah siap digoreng sebagai garnish. Siap untuk dihidang.

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